- Hike the John Muir portion (and then some) of the Pacific Crest Trail.
- This goal comes two-fold, as it happens to include hiking Mount Whitney, which is the tallest mountain in the lower 48 states.
- Learn at least one new thing/concept/skill every week (or expand knowledge in an already familiar concept).
- Become fluent in American Sign Language.
- Eat an entire loaf of French bread in one sitting.
- Eat an apple purchased from each of the United States.
- Memorize the geographical location of every state/country on a map.
- Hike to the top of every Oregon mountain.
- Run out of shampoo and conditioner at the same time. (Don't judge me; you know you're thinking about that now.)
- Make the perfect cupcake.
- Grow my hair out to my waist line, Eve style.
- Speaking of Eve, read the entire Bible. Or better yet, learn about the women of the Bible; especially people like Esther. She was scandalous... but in a good way.
- Own a real pair of Christian Louboutins.
- Redeem my black thumb quality and grow a garden.
- Learn how to archery hunt.
- Watch every movie on the IMDB Top 250 list.
- Successfully ingest an oyster shooter.
Kaity's list:
Being at the ripe old age of 22, I have no time constraints on my bucket list, and tend to be able to cross things off rather quickly, minus the expensive, travel type ones.
- Go to Spain, Greece, Italy, the Czech Republic and Norway to visit former exchange students and my relocated best friend.
- Climb the South Sister, a mountain in the Cascade Range in Central Oregon.
- Visit every one of the 50 U.S. states. (I'm about halfway there!)
- Hike around Crater Lake.
- See the Northern Lights.
- Read all of the Lord of the Rings books.
- Find Mr. Right (I know, I know, be patient).
- Visit biblical sites in Jerusalem, Israel and Egypt.
- See the Great Pyramids.
- Have matching socks not on purpose for a week.
- Move to Central Oregon
- Get one of my orchids to bloom, rather than buying them more friends.
List Updated: November 26, 2012
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