Finally around 0700, I headed to pick up my friend, as we had planned to get breakfast together and meet up with a few other friends later that afternoon for a movie. Problem was, it was still dark outside and the movie wasn't until the late afternoon. After breakfast, we decided to kill some time at the Washington Square Mall, but it wasn't even open yet. Once the doors opened, we joined the other senior citizens wearing their jogging suits walking around the perimeters of the mall, as only a few department stores were open but the rest of the mall was still closed. Who knew mall walking was such an intense sport? I mean, I haven't seen so many decorated waists (weight belts, fanny packs, etc.) in one building before; it was its own form of magnificent.
Our day started at the ass-crack of dawn (seriously, I thought day light would have happened a lot sooner than it did), and ended just a couple hours before it was technically Sunday. What do two people do for 15 hours? Basically, a lot of walking and a lot of eating. We scoured every inch of that mall and did a trust exercise at H&M -- and by "trust exercise," I mean letting me dress you up like a rag doll. I was on the hunt for red tennis shoes for work, and I found out just how colorblind my friend is. I don't know why, but this gave me great pleasure quickly throwing things in his face asking him what colors they were. Between the two of us, we found a few items to purchase and then took a break at a nearby pub to watch football (or was it basketball??) and have lunch. Killed a few more hours with that stone, then drove south (toward where we were meeting up for the movie) and stopped by the outlet malls in Woodburn. We got to know his mall real intimately as well, as we walked to every corner of this center. Killed some time while he was basically being molested by sales associates in a men's dress store, and then we got high off of smelling every Yankee candle that store had in stock. P.S. Most of those candles are falsely advertising their products, so don't see words you like and slam your nose into it thinking it's going to be heaven; it will result in you gagging and making a strange noise that the sales associates don't appreciate. We finally made our way to Salem; I got us lost a few times, then met up for the movie, followed by dinner at the Roadhouse, where there were far too many birthdays being celebrated in one facility.
I finally got back to my house in Corvallis a few minutes before midnight, and my bed has never looked so good. Oddly enough, I still needed to watch a little TV to unwind (though my day was incredibly simple) and by the time I got to sleep, I had officially just finished a 22-hour day.
Thus kicking off sickness and laziness, I wasn't feeling great, so I decided to take Sunday to just "relax" (as if the day before was such hard work), and popped in a few different movies. As some of you know, I am trying to watch all of the movies off of the Top 250 list from IMDB. If you don't know what IMDB is, immediately go educate yourself on the greatest internet network of all time. Well, inadvertently I did watch a few movies that came off of that list, but they were movies I'd already seen anyway. I watched Warrior for the second time, and proceeded to cry at the end just as hard as I did the first time. I don't know why the hell that movie gets to me so badly, but there's nothing that can send me into a blubbering fit like the last five minutes of that film. Then, because I'm a glutton for punishment, I decided to watch Away We Go and cry some more. P.S., There is probably no other movie that describes my sense of humor to a tee than John Krasinski's character. I ended the evening with Snatch just to add a movie where I knew I wouldn't cry, because let's face it, it's exhausting watching movies alone trying to hold back tears.
Monday, I was plagued with not feeling well, so I took the day off from work and proceeded to lie in bed for about four hours after I had woken up. I worked a bit from home, and somehow managed to piss an entire day away. What went on all day, I still can't tell you. A lot of cat naps. Enter Tuesday, and you'll get basically the same schedule, except for I started the TV show Workaholics, which by far is one of the funniest sitcoms I've ever seen.
So, while there are some perks of being sick and home alone: I get to buy the groceries/food I like without regard to if my husband likes them or not, I can listen to my music that he hates as loudly as I wish (not that his presence generally stops me to begin with), etc., I also have no one around to see how lazy I've been all day, thereby alleviating any guilt I may (or may not have) have felt.
Movies watched since Sunday (an * indicates it satisfies a requirement from the Top 250 list)
Bad Teacher
Horrible Bosses
In the Land of Women
Away We Go
Way of the Gun
Dear Lord, I need to start feeling better so I can get back on the trails.
"If you guys see anything ninja-related, tell me. 'Cause I’m back on my ninja kick." - Workaholics
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